Your Cellulite Type

Your Cellulite Type


Did you know there are different types of cellulite? There are three different types of cellulite. If you don’t know which type of cellulite you have it is time to find out!

How to define our cellulite type?


Aqueous Cellulite

A lot of women suffer from this type of cellulite: aqueous cellulite is due to bad blood circulation and usually comes with water retention. The texture of the skin is close to orange peel, your skin tissues are swollen and your skin isn’t soft.

Adipose Cellulite

This type is the easiest to get rid of because it is generally due to back eating habits and sedentariness. Adipose cellulite is only visible when you pinch your skin or in certain positions and is not painful. 

Fibrous Cellulite

This type is the hardest to get rid of and get smooth skin. This type of cellulite feels hard when you touch it and can sometimes be painful. Fibrous cellulite is very visible and makes your skin look bumpy and uneven. Getting rid of this type of cellulite will need time and effort, so you must stay motivated, it is not impossible!

If you want to know more you can do our online diagnosis on our website.

Why do I need to know which type of cellulite I have?


Knowing your cellulite type will help you get rid of it efficiently! Indeed, you can set efficient strategies like specific diets and workout routines that will help you get rid of cellulite and fat deposits. What works for one type of cellulite doesn’t necessarily work for another.

On our blog you will find advice to help you. You will find workout ideas and nutrition tips to help you set a strategy that works for you.

For Aqueous Cellulite :

Cellulite & Water Retention: Avoid Salt

Cellulite & Water Retention: Drink Water

Improve Blood Circulation and Get Rid of Cellulite

For Adipose Cellulite

How to Get Rid of Adipose Cellulite

The Best Foods to Avoid Fat Deposits

Cellulite & Fat Deposits: Build Muscle

For Fibrous Cellulite

Our Best Tips to Fight Fibrous Cellulite

Tenacious Cellulite: 5 Exercises You should Do

Be Active to Fight Cellulite

However don’t forget that the CelluBlue Cup is efficient on every cellulite type! Indeed, as it reproduces the palpate-roll massage it will help any body drain toxins and break up fat deposits. Every woman can use it, and results are always there. Use your CelluBlue Cup everyday and see first results within 2 weeks!

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