How to Get Rid of Adipose Cellulite

How to Get Rid of Adipose Cellulite


If fibrous cellulite can be tricky to fight, it is easy to get rid of adipose cellulite. Adipose cellulite is mainly found on our thighs and buttocks, and gives an untoned aspect to your skin. To get rid of adipose cellulite you have to tackle another problem: fat.

The best solutions to get rid of adipose cellulite

fruit vegetables

A special diet

Your worst enemies are foods that have high levels of sugar, especially in the evening. Ban sodas and cold cuts of red meat. Also avoid snacking. If you have a tendency of getting hungry between meals, try to have 5 small meals a day instead of 3 full meals.

Try to drink a lot of water & infusions and eat as much as fresh fruit and vegetables as you can. Fruit, vegetables fish and lean meat are your best allies. To avoid buying unhealthy food, plan your meals in advance.


Physical activity

As said previously, to get rid of adipose cellulite you have to burn fat. For this nothing is better than physical activity, especially cardio workouts. Start at your own rhythm: 1h walk every other day is a good start! If you are starting a new workout routine, you can increase your workout time once you get comfortable. Also try and vary your physical activities to stay motivated. You can add biking, jogging, swimming and aquabiking to your weekly routine. These activities will help build muscle and reshape your silhouette.

The anti-cellulite cup

The anti-cellulite CelluBlue Cup will allow you to easily reproduce the palpate-roll massage at home. This massage is known to be the most effective massage against cellulite. Indeed, the palpate-roll massage activates lipolysis and helps break up fat deposits.

The anti-cellulite CelluBlue Cup must be used with body oil and should be used 5 minutes every day on every cellulite-affected area to get long-lasting results.


CelluBlue Cup


Food supplements

Other complementary solutions exist to fight cellulite.

  • Plant-based capsules: you can do cures of hypericum or omega-3. You can also try green tea capsules which are efficient to boost weight loss when associated with a balanced diet.
  • Anti-cellulite lotions or oils: the best is to choose a product that contains caffeine, which is known for its fat burning properties, or that contains vitamin C (citrus fruits). Using your CelluBlue Cup with an anti-cellulite oil and then applying an anti-cellulite body lotion will help get quick results.
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