Improve Blood Circulation and Get Rid of Cellulite

Improve Blood Circulation and Get Rid of Cellulite


Bad blood circulation causes water retention and cellulite. However, there are things you can do to improve your blood circulation and help your skin.

Our tips for better blood circulation


Adapt your diet

The first thing you need to do is to reduce your salt intake, which causes water retention. Swap salt with spices and herbs. Some other foods can also help improve your blood circulation. Try to add spinach, garlic, bananas, dark chocolate, avocado and citrus fruits to you diet and ban pre-cooked and processed foods.

cayenne pepper

Cayenne Pepper & Ginkgo Biloba

Cayenne Pepper has excellent effects on blood circulation. Indeed, cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which helps reduce bad cholesterol. You can use it to add colour and taste to your dishes (meat, soups, fish..).

If you prefer plants, you can try ginkgo biloba, which helps improve your blood circulation. You can use gingko biloba in infusions or take food supplements which contain this plant.

blood circulation

Relax you feet

An easy thing you can add to your beauty routine that will help improve your blood circulation is foot-baths. Add a few teaspoons of grated ginger to a bowl of cold water and relax your feet in it.  This is a good way to relax after a hard day at work or after a workout session.

push up


This is not a secret, to fight water retention and cellulite effectively the best thing to do is to work out! Walking at least 30 minutes everyday is enough to boost your blood circulation.

You can also add other physical activities to your weekly routine such as aquabiking, swimming or jogging.

cellublue cup

Massage your legs

Massages also help improve your blood circulation. The best massage for stimulating blood circulation is the palpate-roll massage, which you can easily reproduce at home with your CelluBlue Cup. Indeed, the CelluBlue Cup is a suction cup that reproduces perfectly the palpate-roll massage and helps drain your skin, activates lipolysis and break up fat deposits.

After 3 weeks your skin will be smoother and toned, and your blood circulation problems will have diminished. To find out how this little cup works click here!

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