Cellulite & Fat Deposits: Build Muscle

Cellulite & Fat Deposits: Build Muscle


To fight cellulite efficiently there is no secret, you need to use your CelluBlue Cup regularly and build muscle! No need to become a fitness addict, but have a regular physical activity is essential to burn fat.

Why and how to build muscle?

Cellulite is the result of fat deposits that stock up in you cells. The most common areas are thighs and buttocks. Regular exercise will help break up those fat deposits and burn fat. Exercising will make your muscles work and make your body find energy in fat reserves.


The best is to go for endurance activities which will help get rid of fat deposits and water retention, which is usually caused by cellulite. Walking, running or biking are some of the best activities because they will make your lower body muscles work and help you work on your thighs and buttocks.

Swimming and aqua-biking will also help you tone and smooth your skin and body and diminish visible cellulite.

The best fitness tips to fight cellulite

As well as working out twice or three times a week you can also boost your workouts with simple routines like tightening your buttocks whenever you think about it throughout the day. Also try taking the stairs instead of the elevator when you can.

You can also add some targeted exercises to make your deep muscles work. These exercises are simple and can be done at home everyday.

For your buttocks:

On your hand on knees lift your right leg as high as possible while keeping your back straight. Lower your leg slowly and do the same thing with your left leg. Do 4 series of 25 repetitions for each leg.



For your thighs:

Lay on your side and lift your top leg. Keep your leg straight and hold the position for a few seconds. Change side and do the same thing. Do 4 series of 25 repetitions for each leg.

Don’t forget to maintain a healthy diet and use your CelluBlue Cup everyday for 5 minutes to stimulate lipolysis and microcirculation. Also drink as much water as you can to help your body get rid of toxins.

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