Tenacious Cellulite: 5 Exercises You should Do

Tenacious Cellulite: 5 Exercises You should Do


To get rid of tenacious cellulite, applying body lotion morning and evening is not enough. You need to pay attention to what you eat, and know which foods are the best for you, but learning new exercises and creating a new workout routine will also help you get rid of those disgracious fat deposits!

Simple exercises & activities that help fight tenacious cellulite


Stretching will help your body drain toxins out of your body and help get rid of cellulite. You can choose activities such as hula-hoop, that help stretch your waist. For your thighs, sit on the floor with your legs together stretched out in front of you, and touch your toes. You can also do this with your legs open as wide as you can to make your inner thigh muscles work.

Tone your muscles

Toning you abdomen, buttocks and thigh muscles will also help. You can start with the Bike Abs exercise: lay on the floor and slightly lift your legs of the floor. Bring on knee to your chest by bending your leg, then straighten your leg again without it touching the floor and do the same with the other leg. Keep your abs tight during the whole session. Do 2 series of 15 reps.

To keep exercising fun, why don’t you skip rope to tone your thighs and buttocks? This activity is great to tone your lower body muscles and stimulate blood circulation (10-15 minutes a day). If you want to target your buttocks, you can get onto your hands and knees and simultaneously lift one leg as high as you can, and bring it back down again. Do 2 series of 25 reps for each leg.


Use your CelluBlue Cup

…everyday for 5 minutes per area! Your CelluBlue Cup is your best ally against tenacious cellulite. Indeed, the CelluBlue Cup activates lipolysis, which helps break up fat deposits and get rid of toxins by draining your skin. After a few days your skin will appear firmer and smoother. You can check our tips and tricks on the blog and our website to know how to boost your results. Don’t forget to use body oil with your CelluBlue Cup and to drink as much water as you can after each massage..

CelluBlue Cup

Go for a bike ride

Biking is one of the best activities, because it will make your lower body muscles work, which will help get rid of cellulite. This activity also stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic circulation in your body. This will help your fight water retention which often comes with cellulite. Go for a bike rid at least twice a week.

Go for water sports

Water sports are a good option too: you benefit from the draining effects of water while preserving your articulations. You will eliminate your cellulite, improve your blood circulation and tone your skin. You can go swimming or take aqua-gym classes, as well as aqua-biking classes, which combine the benefits of biking and water sports.


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