Non classé How To Tone Your Thighs With The CelluBlue Cup

How To Tone Your Thighs With The CelluBlue Cup


Cellulite is quite unsightly, especially around your legs. A lot of women stop wearing skirts or dresses in the summer because of cellulite. Yet they are a lot of simple ways to reduce cellulite and tone your thighs. Here is the most efficient technique: the palpate-roll massage!

The palpate-roll massage for thinner thighs

To get rid of cellulite and slim your thighs, especially around your thighs, nothing is better than a palpate-roll massage! This technique as well as being relaxing is the most efficient against cellulite, and has been proven to have slimming effects. It also helps tone your skin and make it more elastic, supple and radiant, while getting rid of skin irregularities.

This simple technique consists in “kneading” your skin to “break up” fat deposits that are in your skin tissu, while stimulating your blood circulation. To do this massage you only need to pinch a fair bit of skin between your thumbs and fingers, and roll your skin between your fingers


It is recommended to maintain a healthy diet to not counteract the effects of the massage, and to drink plant-based drinks to help drain and cleanse your body and get quicker results.

CelluBlue: the new palpate-roll massage made easy

If doing your palpate-roll massage on your own at home can be tricky, you can find tools that will help you reproduce this technique easily. The most efficient tool, that reproduces the palpate-roll massage the best, is the CelluBlue Cup. This cup is a suctions cup that will allow you to roll your skin with no effort. Replacing your fingers. With the CelluBlue Cup you can now do you palpate-roll massage with one hand!

CelluBlue Cup

You only need to apply body oil on the area you want to massage, pinch your cup between your finger, place it on your skin, release the pressure and start your massage. A 5 minutes massage on each area you want to work on (abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs) is enough to reduce your cellulite in 21 days! After using the cup you will find that your skin is firm, toned and smooth.

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