Non classé 3 Body Scrub Recipes for Summer

3 Body Scrub Recipes for Summer


To make your skin smooth and radiant you need to regularly exfoliate with a body scrub. Today we share with you 3 body scrub recipes to get your skin ready for summer! Use these body scrubs before using your CelluBlue Cup to get quicker results!

Almond & Honey body scrubs for dry skins

almond body scrub

If you have dry skin and cellulite you can count on the exfoliating properties of ground almond and honey! The honey will help hydrate your skin and the almond will exfoliate your skin gently. You can also add some orange blossom water to stimulate your skin cells.


  • 3 tablespoons ground almonds
  • 3 tablespoons orange blossom water
  • 3 teaspoons honey

Mix all ingredients together and apply the paste on your skin. Gently massage your skin and leave the paste to rest for 10 minutes. Then gently massage your skin again with the tip of your finger in circular motions to get rid of the paste rinse with cold water.

Grapefruit & Coarse salt for tenacious cellulite

coarse salt body scrub

Grapefruit and coarse salt are great ingredients against tenacious cellulite! Coarse salt is very powerful, but you can add sesame oil to reduce its exfoliate properties. Grapefruit is also the best ingredient to drain your skin and get rid of fat deposits!


  • 3 tablespoons coarse salt
  • 4 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 10 drops grapefruit essential oil

Mix all ingredients together, wet your skin and apply the paste on your skin. Massage your skin in circular motions, insist on the areas where you have the most cellulite. You will have quick results if you combine this body scrub with your CelluBlue Cup massages!

Coffee Ground fat burning body scrub

coffee ground body scrub

For this last body scrub you will be using the anti-cellulite properties of caffeine! This ingredient is perfect when used in a body scrub before using your CelluBlue Cup.


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil, or argan oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon caster sugar
  • Coffee ground

Mix all ingredients together and apply the paste on the areas you will be using your CelluBlue Cup afterwards. Massage your skin in circular motions or do a palpate-roll massage. Rinse your skin with cold water and start your massage with your CelluBlue Cup.

You can also find other body scrub recipes here!

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