Non classé Do You Really Know What Cellulite Is?

Do You Really Know What Cellulite Is?

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You have skin irregularities on your abdomen, thighs, buttocks and behind your knees… You have (nearly) tried everything to get a smooth and toned skin… But do you know what is cellulite and how to get rid of it? Between what we think we know and the famous “miracle” treatments it is difficult to really know how to deal with cellulite and what really works.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is due to a change in the structure of your skin tissue, under your skin, close to your fat reserves. Instead of having a smooth skin, we can see  “bumps”, these bumps are usually found on our thighs and buttocks. These bumps are caused by fat deposits, that are located in your cells. When we have skin irregularities, we actually have fat underneath our skin. The accumulation of those fat deposits compress your fibers and cause bad blood and lymphatic circulation, which lead to water retention.


The picture on the right represents skin with cellulite, the picture on the left represents skin without cellulite.

Who can suffer from it and how to get rid of it?

Cellulite can be caused by several things: a rich diet, not enough exercise… However, hormones is also one of the main causes: puberty, pregnancy and some treatments. Your weight has nothing to do with it, you can be a size 6 and have more cellulite than someone that is a size 12, but smocking and some medicine can also be a cause of cellulite.

cellulite body

To prevent cellulite or help get rid of it you can follow these simple steps:

  • Avoid heat and take cold showers everyday
  • Don’t wear heels too often, flat shoes will make your muscles work more
  • Stay active, try and move around as much as possible
  • Don’t wear tight clothes, which stops the good circulation of fluids in your skin and leads to water retention

What can I do if I have a lot of cellulite?

The best is to start a new beauty and fitness routine to get rid of it! Indeed, it can become a really problem and sometimes be painful. To get rid of cellulite you can find a lot of natural remedies like plant-based infusions or homemade skincare products. These will help you cleanse your skin from the inside. To get even better results you can combine infusions and skincare products with a palpate-roll massages.

The palpate-roll massage is the most efficient technique to get rid of cellulite. This technique consists in massaging your skin to stimulate your blood and lymphatic circulation. If this massage can be difficult to reproduce on our own at home, you can use the CelluBlue Cup, which is a suction cup that reproduces the palpate-roll massage.

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