3 Exercises to Reshape your Buttocks

3 Exercises to Reshape your Buttocks

aliments à bannir cellulite

Discover 3 targeted exercises to reshape your buttocks! Working on your buttocks isn’t just good for your looks. Your abdomen muscles and buttocks muscles help protect your back by helping your posture. Working on your buttocks muscles will also help you get rid of cellulite and have a smooth and toned skin.

Today we are going to share with you 3 exercises that your cellulite will hate, but that your muscles will love! These exercises are targeted exercises that will make your buttocks muscles work and that are good to combine with your CelluBlue Cup massages to fight cellulite.

3 Targeted Exercises to Tone your Buttocks


Exercise 1

This exercise called “lunges” must be done in series. Start by standing up, feet apart aligned with your shoulders. Move your right foot forward, taking support on your left leg to stay balanced. Your right foot should be flat on the ground and your left leg slightly bent so you are on your toes. Lower your left knee by bending it, without touching the ground, and align your hips with your right knee. Return to the initial position by pushing on your right heel. Don’t forget to tighten your abs and buttocks muscles to keep your back straight.

Do 3 series of 15 reps with each leg. Once you are used to this exercise you can do it with a dumbbell in each hand.

Exercise 2

This exercise is close to the exercise you do when using your stepper. Take a chair, a bench or anything that will support your weight and which isn’t slippery. Place your right foot on your chair then push yourself up stretching your right leg as much as you can and bending your left leg at a 90-degree angle. You left knee should be aligned with your hips. Stay in this position a few seconds and get back into the initial position.

Do 2 series of 20 reps with each leg.
reshape buttocks

Exercise 3

For this exercise your will need a yoga matt.

Get on your hand and knees, hand aligned with your shoulders and knees aligned with your hips. Tighten your abs, and lift your right leg so your knee is aligned with your buttocks and back. Keep your knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Keep the position for a few seconds and lower your knee keeping your knee bent.

Do 3 series of 15 reps with each leg.

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