The New Skincare Routine

The New Skincare Routine


You now have your CelluBlue Cup? Great! But did you know there are a few things you can do to make your massage really efficient? Discover our tips and tricks below!

How to boost you CelluBlue Cup massages

Drink up!

lemon water

Drinking water is important to hydrate your body and drain it. Try to drink at least half a litre of water within the 30 minutes after your CelluBlue Cup massage. This will help drain your body and get rid of toxins. You can add some lemon juice to add fat burning effects to your water, or drink plant-based infusions: dandelion, horse chestnut, meadowsweet, green tea, white tea…

Take a shower!


Taking a shower after your massage can boost its effects, but not any kind of shower! It is best to take a cold shower to stimulate your blood circulation, tone your skin and drain out the toxins. The water doesn’t need to be freezing: start with your ankles and progressively work up to your waist. Then rub your skin thoroughly to dry yourself and warm up your skin.

Get active!


Don’t forget you also need to build muscle to get rid of cellulite efficiently! The best is to choose an anti-cellulite sport. Try sports that target your lower body muscles like walking, running, biking, the stepper, skipping rope… Vary the activities you do!

You can also go for aqua-biking classes, which are great for fighting cellulite as it combines biking and water sports.

Hydrate your skin!


It is also important to take care of your skin and make sure you hydrate it! You can try homemade body scrubs and homemade bath bombs, but don’t forget to hydrate your skin with body lotion.

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