Natural Ways of Getting Rid of Cellulite

Natural Ways of Getting Rid of Cellulite


When it comes to cellulite we have all tried a lot of different methods to try and get rid of it. But cellulite is tenacious, and the so called “miracle” treatments don’t really keep their promesses! What if the most efficient technique was the cheapest, easiest and most natural method?

3 steps for a natural method against cellulite

Step 1: what if our meals were healthier?

natural breakfast

To get rid of cellulite on the outside we have to changes things on the inside! It is recommended to maintain a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and water. Avoid processed foods and alcohol.

Fruit and vegetables help get rid of fat deposits and get rid of toxins trapped in your skin. On the other hand drinking a lot of water will help drain your body and improve the texture of your skin. If drinking is important, avoid drinking fizzy drinks or sugar drinks!

Step 2: natural remedies


Nature can also help us get rid of cellulite! Some medicinal plants, like dandelion or ginkgo biloba, help eliminate toxins. Rosemary can also help you, this plant can help you get rif od cellulite and varicos veins. And Parsley helps blood circulation, which can help you get rid of water retention. You can use these plants in infusions, wraps or as massage oils.

If you want to use plants in a relaxing way you can add seaweed to your bath. You just need to add 4 seaweed leaves to your bath, once a week, to get all the good benefits of this mediterranean beauty routine. If you are in a hurry you can use seaweed-based body lotion!

You can also choose certain natural therapies, like reflexology, acupuncture, lymphatic draining or massages to stimulates your blood circulation and break up deep cellulite.

Step 3: massage your skin


The CelluBlue Cup is a natural method to get rid of cellulite, conviaient and money-saving ! Harmless for our skin it is hypoallergenic, and helps get rid of cellulite by reproducing the palpate-roll massage. You only need to use it 5min everyday to see first results within 15 days!

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