Get Flawless Legs For Summer

Get Flawless Legs For Summer


This summer you will be able to show your legs off on the beach! Discover our tips to smooth and tone your skin easily. And if you make this routine a daily routine you will have perfect legs all year round!

4 Tips for flawless looking legs

Tip 1: Move your legs !

squats legs

You can’t escape workouts! But not any workouts. For smooth and toned legs you need to focus on activities that make your lower body muscles work, like aquabiking, running, dancing or bike riding. To start gently, you can also do targeted exercises like squats, the bridge or leg raises. For these exercises to be efficient you need to do 30min workouts everyday!

Tip 2: Stimulate your blood circulation


To improve the texture of your skin, get rid of cellulite and fight water retention you need to stimulate your blood circulation. You can choose natural methode like draining infusions, or take cold showers. Avoid wearing tight clothes, don’t cross your legs and try walking around for a few minutes every hour.

Tip 3: Take care of your skin

legs skincare

To keep your legs healthy and nice your need to take care of them once or twice a week minimum. How can you take care of your legs? you can make homemade body scrubs to help stimulate your blood circulation and keep your skin smooth, and apply body lotions.

Tip 4: Use your CelluBlue Cup!

cellublue cup

The last but essential tip: the CelluBlue Cup! Cellulite is what causes skin irregularities. To get rid of cellulite you need to stimulate your blood circulation and break up fat deposits in your skin tissu. The best technique for this if the palpate-roll massage which the CelluBlue Cup reproduces. This cup is a massage cup that will help you smooth and tone your skin. Combined with a healthy lifestyle and exercise you will see your first results within 15 days!

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