6 Tips For Healthy Lunches

6 Tips For Healthy Lunches

volume des fesses cuisine sans four moins manger équilibre alimentaire

Eating at work is not an excuse for eating unhealthy food! After reading this blogpost you won’t have any excuse. Here are a few guidelines to eat properly at work and help you plan your lunches the right way.

Our tips for healthy lunches at work

The basis: a full breakfast


Whatever your plans are for the day you need to eat a full breakfast to get the energy you need. It’s the most important meal of the day! Toast, tea, fruit, muesli, ham, yogurt, etc…: fuel up on protein and vitamins.

Say no to temptations

You need to say no! Even if a friend offers you some biscuits, sweets or chocolate… Avoid fatty and sugary foods. You can have these foods for special occasions, but they shouldn’t become an everyday habit.

Avoid the easy option

Don’t buy pre-cooked or ready meals, as well as industrial sandwichs and salads. These types of meals are too salty, and don’t contain a lot of good nutrients. Moreover these meal usually don’t fill you up so you end up being hungry quickly and snacking!

Take a real break for lunch

Staying raisonnable take a real break from work and your computer when your eat: try and relax and concentrate on your food! Your meal should be a full meal and contain protein, starchy foods and vegetables. You can also have a yogurt or a fruit for dessert if you are still hungry.

Bring your lunchbox

The best is to bring your own lunchbox, it will also make you save money! You can find a lot of easy recipes on this blog as well as on our Facebook page and Pinterest account.

Choose healthy snacks

and eat them at regular times: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. These snacks will make you feel full and avoid you snacking on unhealthy things. You can drink a cup of tea or a homemade smoothie with a handful of almonds, a fruit, or a dairy product…

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